Kali ini saya akan memposting tugas presentasi bahasa
inggris saya, tugas presentasi ini diberikan ke masing-masing mahasiswa dengan
tema yang berbeda-beda, maksudnya mungkin untuk membahas lebih banyak materi
secara singkat dan jelas dan disampaikan dengan bahasa jaman sekarang agar
lebih mudah dimengerti.
Cukup banyak materi yang sudah cukup saya ketahui dalam
tugas presentasi ini, namun sayangnya saat itu saya mendapat materi yang belum
saya pahami betul. Nama materinya adalah "Affirmative Agreement" ,
mungkin sebagian pembaca juga pastinya belum mengetahui benar kan materi apa
sebenarnya ini jika hanya dilihat dari judulnya. Namun ternyata isi materi ini
ternyata lebih mudah dipahami dibandingkan dengan judulnya. Berikut akan saya
jelaskan secara singkat dan jelas mengenai materi ini ........
DEFINISI : Affirmative agreement merupakan (kesesuaian) yang
digunakan ketika seseorang melakukan sesuatu dan
menambahkan bahwa ada orang lain yang melakukan sesuatu yang sama
JENIS : Ada dua jenis affirmative agreement
Positif : yaitu kata "and" dan
Negative : yaitu kata "either" dan
Kali ini pembahasan saya hanya mengenai affirmative
agreement jenis positive :)
Ada 3 model
pembahasan :
I. When a form of the verb BE is used in the main
clause, the same tense of the verb Be is used in the simple statement that
follows. Look at the following formula:
affirmative statement (be) + and + (subject + verb (be) +
so +verb (be) + subject.
· Iam happy,
and you are too.
· I am happy,
and so are you.
II. When a compound verb (auxiliary + verb) for
example, will go, should do, has done, have written, must examine, etc,
occurs in the main clause, the auxiliary of the main verb is used in the
simple statement, and the subject and verb must agree. (Apabila dalam
kalimat utama terdapat will go, should do, has done, have written, must
examine, maka auxiliary dari kalimat utama digunakan dalam bentuk simple
statement begitu juga dengan subject dan kata kerjanya).
· affirmative
statement (compound verb) + and + {subject + auxiliary only + too}
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too.
· affirmative
statement (compount verb) + and + {so + auxiliary only + subject).
They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you.
III. When any verb except be appears without any
auxiliaries in the main clause, the auxiliary do, does or did is
used in the simple statement. The subject and verb must agree and the tense
must be the same. (Apabila pada kalimat utama ada kata kerja apa saja
(kecuali be) muncul tanpa auxiliary, maka auxiliary do, does ordid harus
digunakan – pokok dan kata kerjanya harus diselaraskan sesuai dengan
waktu yang digunakan).
· affirmative
statement (single verb except be) + and + {subject + do, does or did + too
Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too.
· affirmative
statement (single verb except be) + and + {so + do, does or did +
Jane goes to that school, and so does my sister.
Additional examples:
· John
went to the mountains on his vacation, and we did too.
· John
went to the mountains on his vacation, and so did we
· I
will be in New Mexico in August, and they will too.
· I
will be in New Mexico in August, and so will they.
· He
has seen her plays, and the girls have too.
· He
has seen her plays, and so have the girls.
· We
are going to the movies tonight, and Suzy is too.
· We
are going to the movies tonight, and so is Suzy
· She
will wear a costume to the party, and we will too.
She will wear a contume to the party, and so will we
Data diambil dari http://gmatclub.com/forum/gmat-grammar-book-affirmative-agreement-so-too-99703.html
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